Unfortunately the drum circle event today has been cancelled.
The presenters are sick and don’t feel well enough to host the event. We will keep you updated if we are able to reschedule this event.
Promoting health and community through drumming!
Chelsie Henderson and Wayne White of Rural Soul Music Studio invite you to learn about an exuberant and thunderous path toward lifelong happiness... DRUMMING! West African hand drums will be provided and you will be shown how to get into a groove from the moment your hands meet thedrums.
Drumming today is known to benefit the body and mind by reducing tension, anxiety, depression, and stress; boosting the immune system and increasing energy; helping to control chronic pain; releasing negative feelings and emotional trauma; improving joint mobility and motor skills; and building social interactions and community!
Class Times
Youth Ages 7-14 at 2:00 pm
Adult and Teen 15+ at 3:30pm
There will be a limit of 25 for each class.
Learn More: ruralsoul.com