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Carpe Diem Theater | Ten4Ten


July 1-5, Performance on Friday July 5th at 7:30pm

Ten4Ten+ (T4T) is a one-week theater intensive and performance opportunity open to students ages 16-22 years old.  Our mission is to provide an immersive and collaborative production experience to promote artistic autonomy, in-depth scene study, and build confidence in advanced theater makers.

Owning Your Artistry

T4T is a program designed to put the students at the center of their own creative process. This showcase opportunity aims to provide each participant with dramatic and vocal coaching for material that explores themes and skills they're interested in. The scenes/monologues/songs are selected in collaboration with each year's cast.

Working with the Pros

Broadway and other industry professionals will stage and conceive the production, leaving the students to work together and execute the shared vision for the show.  With a second weekend of encore performances, performers are introduced to an immersive theater experience in a new venue. Adapting content for various venue styles is another practical skill we explore as a group to best prepare our participants for their future performing pursuits.

What's in a Name?

This program was designed to provide performers who have aged out of our Camp program (10th grade and beyond) with 10 minutes of well-coached material (monologues/songs/scenes). This idea of Ten4Ten+ guides the process to ensure each participant has a rewarding experience.

Learn More:

June 27

Tour & Tea at the Auditorium

July 15

ROOTS | Emma Alteri